The greatest battles in life are not the battles at the war front, land, sea or air.

The deadliest battles are not fought with spears, bows, arrows, dynamites, explosives, bombs, sophisticated guns and other nuclear weapons.


Our decision to read this article is a function of our mind. Our decision to wake up in the morning and sleep at night is a function of our mind. Our mind is the processor of our thinking and actions.

How come we usually say things like “it just came to my mind”, “it never came across my mind”, “my church mind”.

The mind is where we fight our greatest and deadliest battles of life. It is like a Pre-Fight before we actually face real life. If you say in our mind that you are great, then you are great, if you say you will be great, then you will be great but, if you say in your mind that you cannot be rich then you can never be rich.

What happens to us in reality is a product of what we had thought about.

A popular story about a very young boy who killed a giant. How did he do it? He won the battle in his mind first then he used his catapult to kill the giant. Also a woman whom everyone had thought would never have children eventually had children because she didn’t lose the battle of her mind to barrenness.

Whatever, we conclude on our mind is always final. Therefore conclude positively that you have won the battle. No matter the challenges and problems, see them as a walk over.

Your victory is in your hand. You must not lose the battle of your mind.

What to do so that you don’t lose the battle of your mind

1.      Be Radical: be ready for change. To make bad result good result, good result better result, better result best result. Improve your ante. Change is the only constant thing and your celebration of excellence will be inevitable.

2.      Believe you can win: if you believe, you will receive. What you do not conceive you do not receive. Have a positive mindset that good things will happen.

Envision images of victory, overcoming and conquering. See the end of the journey from the beginning.

It is disastrous when people believe in you and you don’t believe in yourself but it is highly profitable if you believe in yourself and nobody believes in you

Belief brings relief. You can win.

3.      God: With God all things are possible.

Scriptures says; He that is in us is greater than he that is the world. Who hath thou mountain before Zerubabel, you shall be made flat.

God is God of possibilities. If God be for you, who can be against you?

Connect your faith in God. Do your best and leave the rest for God.


Never! Never! Never! Never! Say! NEVER!